Stories of Welcome
Mother-daughter duos create an ‘immediate bond’ as sponsors and newcomers
February 01, 2023
When empty nesters Marty Jacobs and her husband connected with Ukrainian half-brothers Dymo and Dimitro, they found their home once again was filled with activity and laughter.
After matching on Welcome Connect, the brothers arrived at the Jacobs’ Vermont home in late October. Marty and her husband, who have three adult children, happily welcomed them, and the whole family enjoyed sharing Thanksgiving and Christmas with their new guests.
Marty is very proud of the progress that 30-year-old Dymo and 24-year-old Dimitro have made with their English. Upon their arrival, they frequently played board games and watched TV together to become better acquainted with the language. The brothers, Marty, and her husband ate together about three times a week and often enjoyed an early dinner on Sundays so that they could spend more time together.
Be clear about what the commitment is in terms of time, energy, and money and be sure you’re going to see it through. …Be open to whatever may happen.
The time they had for dinners together were a treat. Marty said one of the most unexpected benefits of playing host had been the meals that Dymo and Dimitro cooked for Marty and her husband once a week— the results were delicious! She often posted photos of the brothers’ culinary achievements on Facebook and thoroughly enjoyed the dishes that they created.
Eventually, the brothers earned their commercial driver’s licenses. In California, they were able to receive the month-long instruction in Russian. Today, they are successful professional drivers.
Marty is a big believer in sponsorship and credits the state of Vermont for their progressive position on the topic. She acknowledged that Burlington, Vt., has been a refuge for newcomers for years, and she encourages others to explore sponsorship opportunities.
Stories of Welcome
February 01, 2023
Stories of Welcome
November 02, 2022
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